Wondering which weapon you should use? Tommy gun or Soviet? Rocket Launcher or Homing launcher? This
might help you decide. I will add more of the weapons when I have the time.
Modern + Retro Guns
Silenced Pistol + (x2)
Type- Handgun
Firepower- Poor
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Average
Noise- Quiet
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same
Notes- Pretty good for headshots, and for stealth.
Luger Pistol + (x2)
Type- Handgun
Firepower- Average
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Average
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same
Notes- None.
Garrett Revolver + (x2)
Type- Handgun
Firepower- Average
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same, but with a different noise.
Notes- None.
Vintage Rifle
Type- Sniper Rifle.
Firepower- Great
Rate of Fire- Slow
Accuracy- Great
Noise- Medium
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same.
Notes- Head Shots= Guaranteed kill.
Sniper Rifle
Type- Sniper Rifle
Firepower- Great
Rate of Fire- Slow
Accuracy- Great
Noise- Quietlike
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same
Notes- See Above.
Shotgun + (x2)
Type- Heavy Gun
Firepower- Good
Rate of Fire- Can be good, but reloading is a short wait.
Accuracy- Close range = Good. Far Away = Bad.
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same.
Tactical 12-Gauge
Type- Heavy Gun
Firepower- Good
Rate of Fire- Good
Accuracy- See above.
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Single Shot
Secondary Fire- Double Shot.
Notes- If you use up all shots in round, expect a long reload time.
Soviet S47 + (x2)
Type- Machine gun/ grenade launcher.
Firepower- Good/ Great.
Rate of Fire- Good/ Good
Accuracy- Farther Away is more difficult to hit.
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal Bullets
Secondary Fire- Grenades.
Tommy Gun + (x2)
Type- Machine Gun
Firepower- Good
Rate of Fire- Great
Accuracy- Farther Away, harder to hit.
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal
Secondary Fire- Same
Type- Heavy Machinegun
Firepower- Excellent!!
Rate of Fire- Excellent!!
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal Bullets
Secondary Option- On/Off switch for auto-warm-up.
Notes- Careful not to overheat your gun.
Futuristic Weapons
Sci-fi Handgun
Type- Handgun
Firepower- Ok
Rate of Fire- Ok
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Partially loud
Primary Fire- Bouncing shots
Secondary Fire- Same.
Type- Medium to Heavy Gun
Firepower- Great
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Great
Noise- Semi-loud
Primary Fire- Laser Shot- Hold Down for a stream of laser.
Secondary Option- Shield.
Notes- Watch your Energy Meter!
Type- Tool used in Robot Factory. IT'S A WEAPON NOW!!!
Firepower- Good
Rate of Fire- Excellent!
Accuracy- Excellent
Noise- Electricity noise, semi-loud.
Primary Fire- Stream of Electricity
Secondary Fire- Same.
Notes- See Above.
Plasma Autorifle
Type- Medium/ Heavy Machinegun. Plasma Grenade Launcher
Firepower- Good
Rate of Fire- Needs to warm-up before it goes good.
Accuracy- Average
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Normal-Plasma Shot
Secondary Fire- Plasma Grenade.
Notes- Careful, watch the heat meter.
SBP90 Machinegun + (x2)
Type- Medium Machine Gun
Firepower- Excellent!
Rate of Fire- Excellent!
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Semi-Loud
Primary Fire- Normal Fire
Secondary Fire- Same.
Notes- Cannot overheat like minigun.
Grenade Launcher
Type- Grenade Launcher
Firepower- Excellent
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Grenades- Split when they hit something solid.
Secondary Fire- Fireball.
Rocket Launcher
Type- Rocket Launcher
Firepower- Excellent
Rate of Fire- Average
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Single Rocket
Secondary Fire- Three Rockets Fired at the Same time.
Homing Launcher
Type- Rocket Launcher
Firepower- Excellent
Rate of Fire-- Average
Accuracy- Excellent
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Single Homing Rocket
Secondary Fire- Three Homing Rockets.
Proximity Mine
Type- Uhhh....Mine
Firepower- Uhhhh.....Explosive
Rate of Fire- Thrown one at a time, so...about medium slow
Accuracy- Goes straight. Good
Noise- Uhhh...maybe LOUD
Primary Fire- Throw.
Secondary Fire- Throw Farther.
Remote Mine
Type- Mine
Firepower- Explosive
Rate of Fire- Medium slow
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Throw
Secondary Fire- Detonate
Timed Mine
Type- Mine
Firepower- Explosive
Rate of Fire- Medium-Slow
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Throw
Secondary Fire- Throw Farther
Type- Dynomite
Firepower- Explosive...Bigger Blast Radius than mines
Rate of Fire- Medium-Slow. Even if you only get one.
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Loud
Primary Fire- Throw
Secondary Fire- Throw Farther
Type- Crossbow
Firepower- OK
Rate of Fire- Medium-slow
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Quiet but still audible
Primary Fire- Shoot
Secondary Fire- Shoot
Type- Flame-thowing, Fire-spitting machine of crispiness
Firepower- OK, if kept on opponent can kill. (Well...duh)
Rate of Fire- Constant Stream
Accuracy- Great
Noise- Medium
Primary Fire- Shoot Fire
Secondary Fire- Shoot Fire
Fire Extinguisher
Type- Fire-putter-outer
Firepower- None
Rate of Fire- Contant Stream
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Medium
Primary Fire- Shoot Fluid Extinguisher stuff
Secondary Fire- Same
Type- House Building, Timesplitter killing brick.
Firepower- Poor
Rate of Fire- Medium-Slow
Accuracy- Good
Noise- Medium
Primary Fire- Throw
Secondary Fire- Throw Farther